
How scary failures really are?
Are you afraid of any kind of failure?
Say YES or NO.
Think again and Answer !!!
Let me put this differently.
Are you really afraid of failures (1) or the consequences of failure (2)?
Now answer… 1 or 2?
Isn’t it really the consequences; those actually bother us? (THINK)
What if I fail? How my parents are going to react? What should be my answer to my friends and relatives? How can I show my face to my teachers, neighbors and to the society?
These are some of the questions or situations we always try not to fall into. Now I give you a different situation… Your parents come to you and say, “Look son, you just need to focus a bit more”. Your teacher says, “oh dear… oh dear… don’t think about success or failure, prepare yourself to give your best shot” and rest of the world shouts, “yes, you can… yes, you can”. It’s much relieving… kind of an ideal situation, isn’t it? But, it rarely happens in our lives. If it happens all the time to everyone on earth then the heaven people would definitely be the most jealous.
Now we know that it’s actually not the failure which kills us; rather it’s the way everyone else reacts to it. However, the real question is, "even if we know this, can we really take the fear psychosis out of our mind… out of the system… our of the world?"
May be that is why when we fail we start the blame game. Let me aware you that if any Tom, Dick and Harry can influence or cause our failure then he must be worshiped. We possibly blame others because we want to shift the epicenter of the perceived reactions from us to something else. But, is it enough? When we are busy in trying hard to shift the responsibility and blame others; rest of the world is busy in accusing us for the failure or mishaps. Eventually it becomes an endless cycle for generations. Where is the room for improvement? Where is the courage to accept or take responsibility? Where is the scope to identify, what went wrong? Where is the effort to fix things? Where is the spirit to learn? Where is the maturity to help each other to ensure that the wrong is never repeated ever again? But, we still claim, we are different and unique.  
Failure is bitter and unwelcomed. Because when we fail we find us alone and cornered. But, life can be better if we can learn from our failures and create the right environment for others to do the same. We can rise above failures to achieve the desired and we can also help others to rise with us.
Some of us choose the other way when they fail. They do not blame others. They don’t shift responsibility. They (kind of) accept it, accuse themselves for the failure and commit SUICIDE. I believe it is only because they were not ready to face the reaction of others. This happens mostly when we fail in academics or in relationships. These failures bother us the most because they have a greater impact on us, our lives and all others associated with it. When I read the news that a student commits suicide because of academic failure or someone commits suicide because the boy or girl said no to them or the parents disapprove their relationships, it bothers me. I wish if I were there to help that fellow. People are going to react whether you succeed or you fail but why death? I know many people who had gone to this extreme and chosen to end everything by committing suicide. But, why they go to such extreme? It’s because of us. It’s we who never gave them a fair chance to fix everything. Its the pressure of our expectations.
If you really follow this blog and follow what I write, then make yourself strong enough to rise above failures. Never give up. Never criticize someone just because he / she have failed. Rather be the solution and create an environment where all of us can learn from our failures or else we can learn form our success as well. Failures can be lessons in real terms… Remember.


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